2016 FIRST Stronghold
FIRST STRONGHOLD℠ is a medieval tower defender game in which two alliances of three teams each select defenses to fortify their outer works before competing simultaneously to score points while breaching the opponent’s outer works and capturing the opponent’s tower.
Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqOKzoHJDjA
Our History
Robot: Sirius
Awards: District Event Finalist, Innovation in Control Award, Entrepreneurship Award
Events Attended: Standish-Stirling, Troy
Schools: Salem High, Canton High, Plymouth High, West Middle School.
Milestones: District Event Finalist, began hosting Robots in the Park
This year’s Smugmug: https://lightningrobotics.smugmug.com/2016-Season
This year’s Blue Alliance: https://www.thebluealliance.com/team/862/2016